Winter Carnival
Winter Carnival
This annual event provides opportunities to people of all ages to get involved and enjoy social and recreation activities during the winter season at several different venues around the Town. Residents are invited to come out, have fun, and take in the cool crisp winter air. The week-long festival typically includes exciting events bingo, skating, sliding, trivia and much more.
2024 Event Details
Full details for our 2024Winter Carnival will be released shortly! Check out the flyer below for details for a preview of the upcoming event. All residents will receive this flyer in your mailboxes during the last week of January, 2024!
- Registration takes place for select events through eServices
- Registration for PCSP residents opens on Friday, February 2nd at 9 am NST
- A date for non-residents will be announced for events if space permits – this will be announced on our social media.
- If and event you would like to attend is full, please add yourself to the waitlist in case spaces open up
- Registration in advance is required, cash will not be accepted at the door at Winter Carnival events
- Individual contest information will be released shortly.
- Submit all contest entries to [email protected]
- There are so many great prizes to be won! Stay tuned for more details during Winter Carnival week!
Download the Winter Carnival digital guide here!
Download the 2024 Winter Carnival Save the Date here!
Registration through eServices
Many of our programs require online registration and payment through eServices. If you are a resident and you have not yet used eServices to pay for a program in PCSP, you will be prompted to enter a “sign up key” the first time you use eServices. Please contact Joe Donkers, Accounting Technician, at 895-5666 or [email protected] to receive your sign up key. If you are living in a rental property in PCSP and you are not the registered owner of the home, you will need to sign up as a guest account and you will not require a sign up key.
Trail Multi-Use Guidelines
Many of our Winter Carnival events take place in the beautiful local parks, and we are excited to see many residents enjoying the winter season in PCSP!
Did you know our park trails allow for cross country skiing and fatbike use? Check out the following Trail Multi-use Guidelines and get outside to have fun this season!
- Trails and Park are use at own risk.
- Be aware and vigilant of other trail users at all times.
- Please keep a slow-to-moderate speed, be prepared to slow down or stop at any moment.
- Reduce speeds when going around turns and trail intersections.
- Keep to the right side of the path, allowing oncoming and faster users to pass on the left.
- Walkers should give right of way to skiers/bikers, as its can be harder for them to stop & start.
- Trails are not groomed, please use caution when using the trails.
- Those on bikes are recommended to use a bell to alert persons on the trail.
- Please stay on the trails at all times.
- No motorized vehicles allowed.
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