Water Metering Project
October 11, 2017 update:
Notice of motion put forth by Councillor Harding at the Council meeting of October 10th: to immediately halt the residential water meter project and to petition both levels of government to allow any funds allotted for the purchase and installation of residential water meters to be diverted into ground water distribution infrastructure repair and underground zone metering.
September 25, 2017 update:
A contract with Neptune Technology Group has been signed following Motion 2017-389 to proceed with the project and the subsequent correspondence with Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment.
August 2, 2017 update:
Council passed Motion 2017-389 on August 1st: Resolved that Town seek approval from the Department of Municipal Affairs and
Environment to award the contract for engineering services for project # 17-CWWF-17-00034, Household Water Meter Installation project, to Neptune Technology Group (Canada) Ltd., at an estimated cost of $860,000, plus HST.
Environment to award the contract for engineering services for project # 17-CWWF-17-00034, Household Water Meter Installation project, to Neptune Technology Group (Canada) Ltd., at an estimated cost of $860,000, plus HST.
July 14, 2017 update:
We have received approval from the Minister of Municipal Affairs to go to RFP for this project. We have received the RFPs and are currently evaluating the submissions.
Project History
Water Metering Project
The Town continues to work towards the proposed water metering project. At this early planning stage, we are ensuring that all issues and concerns are fully understood and input into the process. On Thursday, January 21 2016 the first public meeting on water metering was held at the Recreation Centre to kick off the process. Currently we are awaiting approval to go to a “Request for Proposals” from the Minister of Municipal Affairs, in order to confirm costs and make a decision on the project. Visit this page for all updates and information on the project.
Water Metering Presentation – The Proposed Plan – September 7, 2016
Water Study Presentation – September 7, 2016
Information Package released September 1, 2016
Water and Wastewater Metering Report tabled August 23, 2016
Tickle Newsletter update on the project – March 2016
Summary of issues gathered at January 21, 2016 meeting
Copy of public presentation given to residents on January 21, 2016
FAQ Questions
1. Is this project definitely going ahead?
As with all projects that are proposed and considered by Council
there are decision points along the path of implementation. We are
now set to hold a public meeting outlining the estimated costs and
expectations, after council receives feedback and a decision is made
to proceed than an RFP will be created for meter and installation.
Council will then review and consider the results of the RFP to
determine if they will proceed.
there are decision points along the path of implementation. We are
now set to hold a public meeting outlining the estimated costs and
expectations, after council receives feedback and a decision is made
to proceed than an RFP will be created for meter and installation.
Council will then review and consider the results of the RFP to
determine if they will proceed.
2. How will this new fee affect our current water fee of $475?
The new water meter fee will replace the existing fee. We expect the
average household to see a reduction. There will be a maximum fee
set to cap the cost on households. See the information package for
more detailed information.
average household to see a reduction. There will be a maximum fee
set to cap the cost on households. See the information package for
more detailed information.
3. Where do we get our water?
We purchase our water from a regional board and it comes from Bay
Bulls Big Pond. Currently, almost 80% of our total water costs ($380
of your current water fee) are the result of purchasing of the water.
If we reduce the demand of water we reduce the cost on residents.
4. Will residents have to pay for the meter and costs of the plumber to
install upfront?
No, these costs will be covered by the project itself. The projects costs
will then influence the meter rat itself. Please see the information package
for more details.
will then influence the meter rat itself. Please see the information package
for more details.
5. Is installation mandatory for all residents on water?
Part of the process is to do a site visit and evaluate each home. We
expect that a small percentage will be too costly to install based on
unique circumstances. The goal is to install as many that are feasible.
6. Why would the town consider this in financially difficult times?
The Town is doing this in an attempt to reduce the average tax
burden for households in Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s by reducing both
overall costs of purchasing water and giving residents the ability to
control their bills. Please see the information package for more details.
7. Where are we along the project path?
Click here for updated project path.
When is the next public meeting?
The date of the next public meeting is to be determined.
Please continue to visit this page for updates.
As always we are seeking input and feedback.
Please send any comments or inquires to Jeff
Lawlor, Director of Economic Development,
Marketing and Communications at jeff.lawlor@
pcsp.ca or 895-8000 ext 222.