Trails Master Plan
Update: October 2022
The Trails Master Plan Project is now complete and ready to share! This project began early in the 2022 year with Mills & Wright Landscape Architecture. The project included community engagement sessions, an online survey, and stakeholder feedback.
The goal of the public engagement process was to collect information on where the community would like to see trails developed that have multiple uses, such as: connecting neighbourhoods and schools, connecting existing trails together, creating new access routes, trails along river systems and more.
This plan will help the Town during its Strategic Plan and Budget processes over the next number of years. Thank you to all residents and community groups for your participation and collaboration to make this Trails Master Plan complete.
View the Trails Master Plan Below
If you would like to acquire a high resolution digital file of the PCSP Trails Master Plan, please contact [email protected]
Significant community consultations took place regarding this project. The following community consultations have occurred:
- Stakeholder Meetings
- Several community groups were identified as having important information or special interest in trail development in Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s. In February and March of 2022, meetings with representatives of each of the following groups occurred:
- Town Council;
- Town Staff;
- Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s Chamber of Commerce;
- Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s Advisory Committee on the Environment;
- Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s Heritage Committee;
- Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s Tourism Working Group;
- Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s Inclusion Committee;
- Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s Hiking and Walking Club;
- East Coast Trail Association;
- Avalon Mountain Bike Association;
- Scouts Canada;
- Recreational ATV riders.
- Several community groups were identified as having important information or special interest in trail development in Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s. In February and March of 2022, meetings with representatives of each of the following groups occurred:
- Community Open House
- COVID-19 remained prevalent at the time of this project, so in-person engagement activities were not possible. On the evening of March 15, 2022, a virtual open house occurred via the Zoom Webinars platform. The session was free and open to all members of the public. Twenty-eight individuals attended the session which consisted of a presentation and interactive tools that allowed participants to provide feedback.
- Online Survey
- Survey Monkey was used to develop and launch an online survey to collect further public input. The survey was open for approximately two weeks and had 40 participants. In total, 417 responses to the survey questions were received.
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