Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s Announces New High School
On July 7th, the Honourable Premier Andrew Furey; Minister of Education, Krista Lynn Howell; Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, John Abbott; and Mayor Carol McDonald, unveiled the site of the new high school on Old Broad Cove Road and the corner of Maggie’s Place in Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s. The school, for grades 10 – 12, with a total footprint of approximately 4,780 square metres, is slated to open in Fall 2026. The new school will allow children in Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s to begin and complete their education at home, instead of travelling to St. John’s each school day.
The planned school has been top of mind for Mayor McDonald during her current and previous terms. The announcement comes from the Mayor working diligently with Council, the provincial government and MHA David Brazil over the last number of years. Project funding was first announced in the 2022 provincial budget.
The Honourable Premier Furey, Ministers Howell and Abbott, Her Worship Mayor Carol McDonald and Town Councillors. The new high school is not just a place for children to continue to learn and grow at home. It will be a focal point for community development and community building, bringing benefits to the wider community as well.
“A new high school in Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s is critical to inspire the best learning outcomes, foster growth, and amplify opportunities for our students. I am proud to join my colleagues, Mayor McDonald and our community partners for this important community announcement.”
Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey
Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador
“Our vision here in Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s is of a town enabling all it’s residents to thrive – families, youth, seniors and those of all ages. Today we have helped with that vision. It is a giant leap forward and I am so happy to be part of getting us here. This school – completing our full complement of schools – will become another focal point as we build upon our rich and vibrant heritage here in Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s”
Her Worship Carol McDonald
Mayor of Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s
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Location Unveiled for Site of New School in Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s