2018 Budget Consultations

Town of Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s
January 24, 2018

Budget 2018: PCSP Council Reduces Mil Rates after Extensive Public Engagement

With over three months of input and engagement with residents, businesses and community groups the new PCSP Council has passed their first budget. Council is determined to build a strong foundation with a focus on collaborating with the community and this budget reflects that commitment. A great deal of time was taken to deliberate and debate what was considered to be the priorities of the Town of Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s and what the Town requires to grow and prosper. Council was able to narrow down and implement a budget that will work for the Town, while reducing the tax burden to residents and businesses.

“We heard the residents loud and clear. Their main concern was how high taxes have gotten and the burden it was placing on their families.” said Mayor Carol McDonald. “With these concerns as a priority, property tax will be reduced from 6.9 mils to 6.5 mils and residential water fees will be reduced from $475 to $450 and the water and sewer fee from $650 to $625. We hope this can help alleviate some of the financial pressure everyone is feeling in these times.”

After the main concerns of residential taxes, the Council took to other issues that the residents had brought forward. Residents wanted to see a smarter and sleeker budget, with a greater focus on smart community planning. The plan for mandatory water metering was also abolished.

“Residents want us to still provide services, but not with financial wastage. We knew there were ways we could clean up the budget and still invest in our Town.” said Deputy Mayor Jeff Laham. “We will continue to invest in the Town’s infrastructure and equipment replacement, but we are looking at a new strategic plan. We also eliminated the mandatory water metering project that was of great concern to residents. We will instead invest in zone meters, a water loss plan, public education and we are exploring a voluntary water metering pilot project. People shouldn’t be forced into something they felt so strongly against.”

Along with these main issues that were brought up consistently in meetings and with resident engagement, Budget 2018 will bring an extra focus on supporting local businesses with a reduction in Business tax from 8.5 mils to 8.1 mils and financial support to the newly formed Chamber of Commerce. There will also be investments in tourism to help promote Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s as a destination. Hand in hand with the idea of tourism, there will be funding for environmental protection to keep the Town clean, attractive and healthy for residents and visitors.

These highlights and other aspects of Budget 2018 would not have been possible without the active engagement of the community. This budget was made by the residents for the residents. Council had made a strong commitment from the beginning of their term that they were looking for input for a strong and concise budget, and this is the outcome.


Media Contact
Jeff Lawlor
Director, Economic Development, Marketing and Communications
Tel: (709) 895-8000 ext 222
Email: [email protected]


Draft Budget 2018 Flyer

Draft Budget 2018 Presentation

Budget 2018 Budget Consultations

After months of planning and consideration Council is inviting the public to a presentation of the draft budget for 2018. A flyer will be distributed prior to the meeting summarizing the draft budget, which you will be able to view here and on social media.

Sunday, January 21
4 p.m.
Recreation Centre



Budget 2018 Consultations Presentation

Our new Council wants to hear from you! It’s time for budget decisions to be made, and you, the residents, are our primary focus. This is your newly elected Council’s first budget, and it’s important to us that the constituents voice their ideas. Come to our meetings, speak up and tell us what is important to you for this Town. Email your Council, post on our Facebook page and tweet to us. Your opinion matters.

There are two upcoming public meetings as part of the 2018 Budget process. Residents and community groups are invited to submit proposals, or give presentations with their budget ideas for 2018.

We are happy to accept written submissions if presenting at the public forum isn’t an option for you. If you would like to make presentation, please contact Jeff at [email protected] or 895-5651.

Also stay tuned for a draft budget flyer and final public presentation in December to keep you updated on proposed budget decisions made by Council.

Public Budget Meetings
The public assembly part of the budget process is expanded into two meetings so we can better meet the needs of our residents. Each meeting will cover the same topics. We will review the 2017 Budget and the Town’s expenses over the last year, as well engage with you, our residents, to discuss what priorities you have going forward.

Date: Sunday, November 19
Topic: 2018 Public Budget Meeting
Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Murray’s Pond Country and Fishing Club

Date: Wednesday, November 22
Topic: 2018 Public Budget Meeting
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Recreation Centre


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