Garbage & Recycling Services
Quick Links:
Garbage and Recycling Collection Map
Waste Collection Notices:
Bulk Garbage collection appointments for the 2025 year are now available, please scroll down the page for accepted items. Click here for further information.
- Protect your collectors! Place all needles and other sharps in a sharps disposal container before placing them in your garbage bags.
- Reminder: Recycling and garbage must be placed out for collection by 8:30am on your scheduled day.
2025 Waste Collection Schedule:
Download here: 2025 Waste Collection Schedule
Please note: The 2025 waste collection schedule will be mailed to all households when Canada Post resumes services.
Town Recycling Collection:
Recycling collection will take place every second week on your scheduled garbage route. We require two streams of recycling to be placed in clear blue bags. Below is the information on what to include and how to separate “paper products” and “containers.”
Cardboard can be put in a tied up blue bag or can be broken down and placed in bundles at the curb. If bundled it must measure no more than 2ft by 2ft by 1ft. DO NOT bundle cardboard and then put it in a blue bag; either bundle it or bag it.
FoodCycler™ Pilot Program
Did you know that french fries can be used for plant food? With the Food Cycler pilot program, residents of Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s can tackle food waste and discover what foods can become plant food, by piloting FoodCycler™ technology in your home.
The Program
The Food Cycler™ pilot program provides the opportunity for residents of Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s to purchase a Food Cycler™, at a significantly reduced cost. Participating residents will be asked to track their use once a week for 12 weeks and then answer a brief closing survey. Once complete, the FoodCycler™ is yours to keep!
The Town is issuing a call for Expressions of Interest in the pilot program from residents, with Council acquiring 100 units as an initial run of the pilot program. This program is run on a first come first serve basis, the first 100 registrants will be selected to participate. The residents who were not selected will remain on a waitlist for potential future opportunities. The survey remains open for interested residents.
Why Should I Participate
Did you know that up to 50% of household waste is composed of food waste? By addressing food waste, you are supporting your community’s environmental initiatives, while reducing your carbon footprint.
How it Works
Place your food waste into the FoodCycler™ bucket. The bucket can take almost any type of food waste, including fruit and vegetable scraps, meat, fish, dairy, bones, shells, pits, coffee grinds and filters, and even paper towels. Food scraps and uneaten leftovers that would otherwise end up in a landfill are broken down into nutrient-rich plant food that can be mixed right into your garden soil. It’s a simple, mess-free way to reduce food waste in your home. The cycle runs quietly and with no odours or GHG emissions. The survey link below is administered and data collected is maintained by Food Cycle Science.
Learn More
To learn more about the FoodCycler™, please visit their website and watch the videos on how the products works. Click Here.
Have questions? Contact Julie at [email protected], or call 709-895-8000 ext. 229
Tumbler-style compost bin sales are sold out for the 2022 year for residents of Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s! Limited quantities are available in the spring of each year. Check back in Spring 2023 for our next compost tumbler sales.
Composting is a great way to cut down on your waste, while also creating a rich and natural fertilizer for your garden. To learn more about the benefits of backyard composting, visit the Rethink Waste NL website, below:
Bulk Garbage:
Bulk garbage collection service is available by appointment from May to November and is on a first come first serve basis. To book an appointment, email: [email protected]
Those with bulk garbage for disposal may also consider bringing it to Robin Hood Bay Waste Management facility residential drop off from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Tuesday to Saturday.
Further information can be found here:
It is unlawful to place oil, oil products, gasoline, or diesel fuel for household or bulk garbage collection.
These items must be brought to the Hazardous Waste Station at Robin Hood Bay.
Electronics Recycling:
Electronics recycling can be dropped off at the Residential Drop-Off (RDO) Facility at Robin Hood Bay or at select Green Depot locations.
- Click Here to learn more about the RDO
- Click Here for RDO Hours of Operation
- Click Here to check the Recycle My Electronics map to see if your preferred Green Depot also accepts electronics
Garden Material:
As of June 1st, 2006 the Town of Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s will no longer collect garden material or, any other material that can be composted. Garden material includes any grass, hay weeds, leaves, sods, tress, stumps, and branches that can be readily composted.
Residential Garden Material Policy
Household Hazardous Waste:
Please bring household hazardous waste directly to Robin Hood Bay. For more information click here.
Contact Our Staff