Community Clean Up
Join us every spring for our annual community clean up! Let out your PCSP pride by coming out to pick up trash to help beautify our wonderful town. We supply all the garage bags, gloves and pick up your filled bags. Every little bit helps! Participants can clean up around their house or neighbourhood.
Free community clean up kits are now available for pick up at the Town Office. A bin with all community clean up kits is located outside the main front doors. Residents are encouraged to avail of supplies and place the collected garbage with your regular weekly garbage collection for pick up. If a large amount of waste is collected, residents can also contact the town to arrange a date and time for community clean up garbage bag pick up.
For further information, please contact our Heritage and Environment Coordinator, Julie Pomeroy, at [email protected]
Community Clean Up Superstars
Send in your photos any time to be featured on our clean up wall of fame! Email your photos to [email protected], or tag @PCSPnl on Instagram or Twitter to be showcased.
Contact Our Staff