Today is Pink Shirt Day: February 27

Today, members of our staff wore pink to stand up to bullying for Pink Shirt Day.
Did you know the story of Pink Shirt Day?
Pink Shirt Day began in Nova Scotia in 2007, when two boys, David and Travis, noticed a fellow student being bullied at school for wearing a pink shirt. That night, they purchased all the pink shirts they could find and handed them out, then got all their friends to wear pink. When hundreds of kids showed up all wearing pink shirts, the message was powerful. This support of another classmate who was teased spoke wonders!
Since then, the idea has spread across North America and beyond. It has become a day to talk about how bullying can affect everyone and what we can do. Last year alone, people in almost 190 countries shared their support of Pink Shirt Day through social media posts and donations. On February 27, 2019, everyone is encouraged to practice kindness and wear pink to symbolize that bullying is not tolerated.
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