Tickle Swim for Mental Health – Virtual Event

This year the annual Tickle Swim for Mental Health has changed to an online team, which is encouraging everyone to ‘just keep swimming’ virtually!




The Canadian Mental Health Association-NL has released the message below regarding the 2020 Tickle Swim:

Due to the uncertainty of the current times, we cannot cross the Tickle as a group this year, but we know the need to connect and support mental health is greater than ever. So, this year, Tickle Swim Founder Sheilagh O’Leary is captaining the all-new Tickle Swim 2020 Virtual Team and is encouraging everyone to ‘just keep swimming’ virtually!

What’s a Virtual Swim?

A virtual swim is a choose-your-own adventure! Whether you’re a shoreline paddler, an open-ocean kayaker, a pond-jumper, a sprinkler-runner, or you just like to sit and listen the waves, this is your year to be a part of the Tickle Swim family and support mental health for all.

Yoga on the beach? Taking a moment to sit and enjoy the salt air? Relaxing in your giant swan floatie? A virtual swim means doing whatever you do to take care of yourself—it’s your swim, your way, for your mental health. Set your own goals and share your journey to help raise awareness and funds for mental health. The funds you raise will support the work CMHA-NL does and mental health initiatives right here in our province.

How Can I Join?

Join the Tickle Swim 2020 Virtual Team or donate here: https://cmhanl.info/tickle

If you’d like to connect with other Tickle Swimmers and Kayakers, head over to our official Tickle Swim Facebook Group. Plus, check out this special message from long-time Tickle Swim Support Kayaker and mental health advocate, TA Loeffler:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TorE15XQ_os

The Tickle Swim is all about taking on a challenge, bringing mental health into the open, and coming together as a community to support the work of CMHA-NL. We’d like to thank all the amazing swimmers, kayakers, volunteers, organizers, and supporters who have been a part of this unique event for the past seven years. We’ll keep swimming – just a little differently this year, and we look forward to seeing you back on the Tickle in 2021!