Property Beautification Awards
The Property Beautification Awards are getting a refresh for 2020! There will be no competition for 2019, but check back next Spring for details on the 2020 awards. For further details, contact Julie Pomeroy, Heritage Programs and Services Coordinator, at 895-5657 or email [email protected]
In 2018, the Town of Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s has decided to change the “Annual Garden Competition” to the “PCSP Property Beautification Awards.”
The 2018 Winners have just been announced! Click here to see the selected properties.
Watch: Property Beautification Awards Video
PCSP Property Beautification Awards
Best Residential
Property may incorporate hardscape features, such as patios, walls, pathways, etc. and plant materials, like annuals, perennials, trees, & shrubs, in an overall design scheme. The design can include consideration of seasonal variation, colour combinations, and overall suitability of the design as it relates to the property’s constraints. Good garden maintenance practices like edging, mowing, pruning, fertilizing will be evident in the property’s overall appearance.
Best Commercial
Recognizes efforts of business owners to keep properties clean and attractive to customers.
Best Curb Appeal
Recognizes outstanding and attractive property that is clean, well maintained and welcoming from the curb.
Greenest Garden
Garden uses natural means of growing and is environmentally aware. No chemical fertilizers- use natural ways of fertilizing only, use of compost, rain barrels, water with care, encouragement of habitat, pollinators, use of friendly bugs, or natural ways to help with any pests, reuse of materials, etc.
Best Edible Garden (fruit/vegetable/herb etc.)
Garden contains variety of edible vegetables and/or fruits/ or herbs planted to provide a seasonal harvest of fresh food. The growing system, food yields, and crop diversity, will be evaluated along with consideration for aesthetic elements, like co-planted ornamental species.
Nomination Deadline Friday August 24th
Judging will take place September 4th – 7th
Awards will be presented at the September 18th Council meeting
Winners will receive a prize pack and be featured in the October/November issue of The Tickle.
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