PCSP Environment Fair
2018 Event Details:
Saturday, April 21st, 2018, 10am to 3pm
St. Lawrence Anglican Church Hall, PCSP
Thanks to all those who came out to the 3rd Annual PCSP Environment Fair, hosted by the Advisory Committee on the Environment and the Town of Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s. With more than 30 displays and vendors, a series of featured presentations and a great Fire Department demonstration across the street, attendees learned about resources and information on the environment, sustainability, nature, conservation and more, especially in our community and how you can help.
The event featured free face painting, live animals, door prizes and giveaways, and a real 30 foot Minke Whale Skeleton!
Schedule of Events:
10:00: Opening Remarks (stage)
ACE- Green Team (Classroom)
ACE is an advisory committee for the Town of PCSP. During the summers of 2016 and 2017 they had Green Teams working on research of water testing.
10:30: Conservation Corps- Sea Level Rise (Classroom)
Sea Level Rise and You- Learn about sea level rise, discuss what it means for you, familiarize yourself with tools to help you plan for rising seas.
11:00: Whale Release and Strandings (Classroom)
Interactive presentation for children and youth on whales.
11:30: Agriculture in the Classroom (Classroom)
Agriculture in the Classroom is a new industry-supported initiative designed to work in partnership with Newfoundland & Labrador (NL) educators. Agriculture in the Classroom is intended to help NL children increase their awareness and understanding of why our food system is essential in society.
12:00: Green Space- Learn to Grow Microgreens (Classroom)
A small box on a mission: To provide fresh, tasty microgreens to Newfoundland and Labradorians, in healthcare, restaurants, and on your plate!
12:30: Stewardship Association of Municipalities (SAM) / Ducks Unlimited (Classroom)
SAM: Committed to the conservation, enhancement, and stewardship of habitat across Newfoundland and Labrador
Ducks Unlimited: We conserve wetlands and other natural spaces for waterfowl, wildlife and people
12:50: Spirit Horse
Enhances the mental health and life skills of youth, adults, families, and groups through therapeutic interaction with horses.
1:10: Cloudberry Forest School- Storytime (Classroom)
Cloudberry Forest School is Newfoundland’s first Forest School. We offer year round preschool programs, summer camps, teacher training and professional development opportunities for educators throughout Atlantic Canada. Cloudberry Forest School is run by certified and qualified practitioners trained in education and early learning with additional training in outdoor based practice, site management and program planning.
1:30: Joel’s Bee Factory (Classroom)
Joel’s Bee Factory was founded by 9 year old Joel Stamp. He uses reclaimed untreated wood to construct Bee Condos to help rejuvenate the Bee population.
2:00: Gary Picco- Maple Tapping (Classroom)
Gary is a local homesteader and is dedicated to learning how to live off the land. He is trained in maple tree tapping and successfully makes his own maple syrup.
2:30: Todd Boland- Best Ornamental Plants for Newfoundland Roadsides. (Classroom)
Todd Boland has been gardening for over 40 years, and is the research horticulturalist at Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Botanical Gardens. He is also author of several books, including Wildflowers of Nova Scotia, Wildflowers of New Brunswick, Wildflowers and Ferns of Newfoundland, Trees and Shrubs of the Maritimes, and Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland and Labrador. Recently Todd was the super flower sleuth that helped the Master Gardeners of Ontario search for Canada’s national flower. The winner was the Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis). Todd’s newest book, Favourite Perennials for Atlantic Canada, will be released in late April. His book launch will be Saturday May 5 from 2-4pm at MUN Botanical Gardens. Everyone is invited.
3:00: Closing Remarks (stage)
PCSP Fire Hall:
10:00- 3:00: Fire Smart
12:00- 2:00: Fire Extinguisher Safety
For more information on this terrific event, contact Julie Pomeroy, Heritage Programs and Services Coordinator at 895-5657 or email [email protected]
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