Fire Department
The Town of Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s has had a volunteer fire department since the fall of 1996. There are two locations for this department; one in St. Philip’s on 1119 Thorburn Road, and one in Portugal Cove on 1819 Portugal Cove Road. The fire department holds a contingent of 33 active volunteers.
Call 911 for all emergency situations that need immediate assistance.
To speak to the Fire Chief in PCSP, call 895-8000 ext.267
Open Air Fires
- The Portugal Cove St. Philip’s Volunteer Fire Department wishes to advise residents that Permits for Open Air Fires, for the purposes of burning brush and other non-prohibited materials are available online here.
- Please note that individuals should also check with provincial authorities to ensure any planned outdoor burning activity is not in violation of local fire restrictions that may be in effect.
Become a Volunteer Firefighter
- In order to become a volunteer firefighter, applicants must complete a three-month in-house training course (which is covered by the Town). Once this training is completed, the volunteer is then given a pager and is put on call to respond to fires or rescues within the Town. Volunteers are also free to pursue any further training offered by the provincial or federal government.
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Application
Family Fireworks Safety Guidelines
- Many residents enjoy family fireworks for recreational purposes at various times throughout the year. Although fireworks can be a very enjoyable event, they can also present an inherent danger especially if used improperly. Please review these safety guidelines before you plan your event.
- Fireworks Safety Guidelines
What We Do
The Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s Volunteer Fire Department cover all of the following:
- Fire Responses – All fires and all forms of fires.
- Rescue – General calls for assistance such as Water/Ice Rescue, Ground Search & Rescue, Structural Rescue, Excavation Rescue and all other forms of Rescue.
- Emergency Code Four Medical – All supporting responses under (HSC) Health Science Centre.
- Auto/Vehicle Extrication – all forms.
- Acts of Mother Nature – Storms, Hurricanes, Snow Storms, Storm Surge/Tsunami.
- Fire Alarm Response.
- Hydro Emergencies – In a supporting role to NL Hydro.
- Smoke Alarm Response – Residential, Commercial, and Industrial.
- Bush and Brush Fires – All forms within PCSP and/or Mutual Aid.
- Police Assist – as requested.
- Ground Rescue – assisting other agencies.
- Hazardous Materials Response. – to the Awareness Level, to assist St. John’s/CBS Technicians.
- Fire Prevention and Public Education.
Fred Hollett and Richard Murphy are our resident fire chiefs, who can be reached at 895-8000 ext.267 or [email protected].
Click here for our Emergency Services page.
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