At the October 29, 2024 Council meeting a motion was approved to move towards a new committee structure in which the whole council will meet with staff liasions to discuss issues and make recommendations to be voted on in a subsquent public council meeting. This meeting is called Committee of the Whole (COW).
The order of business for COW is as follows:
- Monday at 5:30 is the Corporate Services department, then followed by the Planning & Development department discussions and the Admin & Goverance items. (Monday meetings default to Tuesday in the case of a Stat Holiday)
- Wednesday at 5:30 is the Community Services department, then followed by the Fire and Emergency Services department, and the Public Works & Safety department discussions.
The Town of Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s operates under a committee structure where each councillor leads a section of the COW agenda. The committee consist of all councillors and is supported by staff. The committees then address issues relevant to their particular mandate, and the Chair reports at the Public Council Meeting, held every third week. Residents who have concerns and wish to meet with a committee must contact Claudine Murray at 895-8000 or [email protected] at least a week in advance. Our committees are aligned with particular departments of the Town, and are as follows:
Public Works & Safety and Fire & Emergency Services: Chairperson: Councillor Tina Neary
Planning and Development: Chairperson: Deputy Mayor Madonna Stewart-Sharpe
Corporate Services and Admin & Governance: Chairperson: Councillor Bartlett
Community Services: Chairperson: Councillor Cyril Hayden
Corporate Services and Admin & Governance
Chairperson: Councillor Bartlett
To provide direction and recommendations to council and staff regarding administrative and financial matters of the Town.
- Provide guidance and assist with the compilation of an annual budget, and make recommendations to the full council.
- Initiate planning activities and sessions with the full council to determine future priorities of the council.
- Review regular financial updates for presentation to council and oversee adherence to the adopted budget.
- Review of accounts payable and make the necessary recommendations for payment.
- Oversee and make recommendations on tax collection policy.
- When required, assist with a five-year capital budget for recommendations to council.
- To oversee and provide direction on all staffing matters.
- To oversee and monitor adherence to the union contract and management policy.
- To provide direction on general administrative matters.
- To conduct meetings on a regular basis to fulfill the mandate of the committee
- To complete all other duties as assigned by Council.
Planning and Development
Chairperson: Councillor Gavin Will
To provide direction and recommendations to council and staff regarding planning and development matters for the Town.
- Under the direction of council, to initiate and ensure the compilation of a municipal plan and accompanying development regulations.
- To ensure strict compliance with the Urban and Rural Planning Act.
- To ensure that the Town adheres to all provincial and federal regulations as it pertains to planning and development initiatives.
- To initiate and ensure that all necessary updates are carried out to the plan, regulations and accompanying maps.
- To ensure that all necessary public consultations are carried out prior to any amendments or discretionary uses being permitted.
- To make recommendations to council on internal policies as it pertains to planning and development issues.
- To make recommendations to council on individual permit applications ensuring that all necessary research is completed and presented prior to the recommendations being made.
- To handle public inquiries regarding planning and development issues, and to make recommendations to council on a course of action.
- To conduct meetings on a regular basis to fulfill the mandate of the committee.
- To complete all other duties as assigned by Council.
Community Services
Chairperson: Councillor Cyril Hayden
To provide direction and recommendations to council and staff regarding matters related to the functions and operations of the Recreation and Community Services Department, and youth issues.
- To liaise with user groups within the community to monitor the effectiveness of the department in meeting their needs.
- To ensure that appropriate recreation programs and services are selected and recommended to Council and then developed to meet the identified needs of the citizens.
- To act as a liaison between the Recreation and Community Services Committee and Council.
- To keep council up to date on activities within the department.
- To provide an avenue for the youth of the community to approach the Recreation and Community Services Committee and Council on matters of concern.
- To organize meaningful and beneficial recreation opportunities to youth in Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s.
- To oversee the operation of the Town’s recreation facilities inclusive of a full operational maintenance plan.
- To develop and update outdoor recreation facility master plans, in an effort to provide a plan for the development of new outdoor recreational facilities at Voisey’s Brook Park and Rainbow Gully.
- To liaise with groups in the community and other pertinent committees of council to work towards the development of a trail network for the community.
- To further develop the Tidy Towns Program in an effort to enhance the natural beauty of the community.
- To evaluate the opportunities for other recreation facility development in the community, a process that will go hand in hand with the growth of the community.
- To bring recommendations to council as needed to satisfy concerns of the committee.
- To organize special events in the community to promote community spirit.
- To ensure that forms of communications are used to keep our residents informed of Town events, activities, and programs.
- To conduct meetings on a regular basis to fulfill the mandate of the committee.
Economic Development
Chairperson: Deputy Mayor Madonna Stewart-Sharpe
To provide direction and recommendations to Council and staff on policies and issues relating to Economic Development, Marketing, Communications and Tourism.
- Oversee the public engagement strategy on major projects, strategic plans and budgets
- Ensure that all forms of communications are used to keep our residents informed
- Support and encourage growth in the business community
- Oversee special events and public relations functions
- Evaluate funding opportunities for strategic projects
- Liaise with advisory committees of Council (Heritage and ACE)
- Implement the objectives of Council regarding Heritage and the Environment
- Keep Council up to date on activities within the department
- When necessary meet with residents of the community, community groups, businesses or other stakeholders to address their needs
- Conduct meetings on a regular basis to fulfil the mandate of the committee
- Complete all other duties assigned by Council
Public Works & Safety
Chairperson: Councillor Tina Neary
To provide direction and recommendations to council and staff regarding public works and infrastructure matters for the Town.
- The committee will oversee the maintenance and repairs of the Town buildings, roads, water and sewer lines, and other Town infrastructure.
- The committee will assist with planning and priorities for the public work’s department, and compile policies and procedures for approval of council.
- The committee will oversee the expenditures of the department.
- The committee will make recommendations to Council on requests/correspondences from residents on public works matters.
- The committee will assist with the compilation of a five-year capital works plan as required and assist with the necessary preparations to make applications for funding;
- The committee will liaise with consultants on an ‘as-need’ basis to ensure that all the technical needs of the Town are met.
- When necessary, meet with residents of the community to address their needs.
- To conduct meetings on a regular basis to fulfill the mandate of the committee.
- To complete all other duties as assigned by Council.
Fire and Emergency Services
The committee is comprised of three elected officials, one of whom serves as chairperson, and the Fire Chief/Acting Fire Chief, the Town Manager may attend in the absence of the Fire Chief.
To provide direction and recommendations to Council and staff regarding matters related to the functions and operations of Fire and Emergency Services, Public Safety including Pedestrian Safety, and Municipal Enforcement.
- To communicate with the Municipal Liaison of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary.
- To liaise with community groups, advisory and other ad hoc committees within the community and bring their concerns to Council.
- To provide an avenue for residents of the community to approach Council and the various departments of the Town on concerns of public safety.
- To review all Town regulations and policies for the purposes of enforcement.
- To keep Council up to date on activities and issues within the fire and emergency services department.
- To ensure that appropriate services are maintained or initiated and recommended to Council and then developed to meet the identified safety and protection needs of residents.
- To bring recommendations to council as needed to satisfy concerns of the committee.
- To conduct meetings on a regular basis to fulfill the mandate of the committee.
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