Community Composters First Name Last Name Email Is this for a Neighbourhood or Business? Please Select Neighbourhood Business Contact/Lead Person Compost Experience? How many households will be participating? About how many people? (Note composter is good for about 30 people) Proposed location of composter? Why do you want to participate in this pilot project? What challenges do you foresee? Contact/Lead Person Compost Experience? Will you allow residents to use? Do you generate enough compost as a business to not need outsiders to use? Proposed location of composter? Why do you want to participate in this pilot project? What challenges do you foresee? Town will provide Composting training materials Town staff support and networking Browns in the form of wood pellets Shelter for compost bin Garbage can Kitchen catchers Signage Locks/keys (if necessary) Legal I have read the Privacy Policy and agree to share the information entered into this form Submit