New Waste Management Policy

A mail-out has been sent to all households in Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s regarding a new Waste Management Policy is coming into effect on July 31st, 2019. Click here to view this policy.

These changes are taking place in order to support Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) of our Waste Collection staff, as well as to create operational improvements for the Town resulting in cost savings and more efficient service delivery. The purpose of this policy is to establish and provide guidelines which support the Town’s Litter, Garbage and Refuse Regulations for the collection of household waste.

The new policy requires residents to abide by the following regulations:

  1. Garbage bags and containers must be located within 5 (five) meters of the road.
  2. Garbage containers (boxes, bins, or buckets) must be in good condition and not have any visible hazards (nails, screws, or wire) and kept free from rodents, insects, wasp nests, and other animals. They must also be durable and withstand various weather conditions.
  3. Garbage must be in regular / standard sized household polyethylene plastic garbage bags. Small kitchen or supermarket bags, blue recycling bags and industrial sized contractor bags are not accepted for garbage collection.
  4. Garbage bags must not weigh more than 50lbs each.
  5. Garbage bags must not be sprayed with harmful chemicals such as bleach, ammonia cleaners or other similar products to avoid serious injury to the collectors.
  6. Hypodermic needles and other sharp objects must be placed in a puncture proof container prior to placing in garbage bags. Bags containing broken glass must be clearly marked and the glass must be secured in such a way as not to cause hazard to collectors.
  7. Animal waste must be double bagged.

An important part of the new Waste Management Policy is the location of garbage containers. Garbage bags and containers must be located within 3 (three) meters of the road. This is being done for health and safety reasons and to make collection more efficient. If your garbage container is not currently located within three meters of the road, you have two options:

  1. Relocate the garbage container to be within 3 (three) meters of the road, but it must not be placed in such a manner that it interferes with ordinary travel, parking, passage of pedestrians and snow removal operations.
  2. If a garbage container cannot be placed within 3 (three) meters of the roads edge, the container may remain in its current location, but bags must be removed from the container and placed at the roads edge on collection day. Garbage bags must be covered between April 1 and November 30.

If you have further questions on this matter, please contact the Public Works Department at:

[email protected]

895-8000 (ext. 228)

Town Office Address:
1119 Thorburn Road
Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s, NL
A1M 1T6